Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What is the Gospel?

The God of all creation, the Ruler of the Cosmos, infinite and everlasting, the King of kings, the painter of every sunset and night sky, a being more powerful than we can comprehend. Full of love beyond comprehension—so high above me that I don’t realize how low I am. This God knows me by name, cares for me and has in fact numbered the very hairs on my head. This God knows me better than I know myself, faults and all, and yet loves me passionately: This is the Gospel!

He loved me, and yet I spat on Him, mocked His Holy Name, and rejected His love. I separated myself from that which is Good, that which is Love. Though I was made to be with Him, I became far from Him. I was too small to climb those heights to know Him, but He was great enough (and loved me enough) to descend from His glorious throne and pick me up and take me to Him: That is the Gospel!

That I have to Him a debt so great that I could never repay it all eternity, yet I am given all of eternity to respond in love and try: That is the Gospel!

Deserving death and worse, but being united with Life. Earning an end, but getting life without end. Doing bad, but getting good. Warranting hate, but getting love: That is the Gospel!

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