Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quick Thoughts on Education

I recently attended my sister’s graduation. She graduated from a Catholic college in a mid-sized mid-western town. The student speaker was an elementary education major. During her speech she declared her professional goals: to teach children to value peace and the ways of non-violent resistance. She flat out said that in her mind it was not her job just to teach kids how to read and write, rather she said those things paled in comparison to discovering the true inner value in all of us. Hopefully people were just being polite, but they actually applauded her.

This is a perfect example of why I will never send my child to a government run school. School used to be a place with the goal of imparting knowledge; now it seeks to indoctrinate and brainwash. In the name of diversity schools abandon the truth and teach lies. Children can be taught to pray to prayer dolls or mother earth, but not the One True God. Children can learn about Buddha, but not Christ. They are told that it is normal to have sex when you want to without limits, love and marry others of your own sex, and have your sexual organs mutilated and take hormones to transform your physical sex. They are told that anyone who disagrees with these platitudes are either ignorant or hateful.

Furthermore, with their focus on self confidence, schools graduate a bunch of dunces who are confident in their ignorance! Our children test worse and worse every year, but feel better and better about themselves. Could there be a more dangerous situation? It is the height of folly to think oneself smart and above listening to another more qualified. While it is wisdom to know one’s limits and be willing to be corrected. We are raising the former type of citizen.

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